How to Quit Watching Porn
There are few things scarier than realizing that your pornography use has gotten out of your control, becoming something that is taking up a lot more of your time and energy than you want it to be. You might start to wonder if you're addicted, or if you'd even be able to quit if you tried. Some common porn addiction symptoms include spending excessive time viewing pornography, feeling unable to stop or cut back, and continuing the behavior despite negative consequences to your relationships, work, or mental health.
Thankfully, you're not alone in this! You can overcome porn addiction and re-take charge of your life. Here are some tips on how to stop porn addiction and begin your porn addiction recovery.
What Causes Pornography Addiction?
According to information from a 2019 survey, 80 percent of men and 30 percent of women regularly view pornography. Of course, not everyone who watches pornography becomes addicted.
This is where cognitive dissonance occurs. We see that pornographic images are everywhere, and most people have at least experimented with watching porn.
So why is it that only some people develop a compulsion? And why is it so hard to quit? These are tricky questions when it comes to addiction in general.
Truthfully, we don't exactly know why some people are addicted, and some can indulge occasionally. However, one truth is evident: pornography is designed to be as habit-forming as possible, and there is big money to make from those who just can't stop watching porn.
First, studies have shown that those who habitually engage in pornography consumption have some of the same brain activity as those addicted to substances like alcohol or drugs. Changes in brain chemicals like dopamine are involved. This is important information because it reveals that a porn addiction may be both physiological and emotional/psychological.
A second potential factor may be underlying mental health conditions. Many people use pornography to escape feelings of depression or anxiety. This is one of the most destructive coping mechanisms you could try, but many still do.
Another potential indicator of porn addiction is a struggling relationship. Intimacy issues and relationship problems are common addiction symptoms. The idea that turning to an outside source of physical pleasure will somehow mend or improve a struggling relationship is false.
What Do the Experts Say About Pornography Addiction?
Mental health and medical experts disagree about whether or not pornography addiction is "real." The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) doesn't include pornography addiction—this means that you couldn’t go into a doctors office and be diagnosed with porn addiction. But that doesn’t mean that what you’re experiencing is all in your head.
A Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT) will likely tell you that becoming addicted to pornography is a real problem, whether or not the DSM-5 officially recognizes it as an official behavioral addiction.
Whether you think of problematic pornography viewing as an addiction or a compulsive behavior, recognizing it as a problem is the first step to changing your habits. While porn addiction is something that takes time and effort to fix, you can learn how to quit porn by beginning with a few basic steps.
How do I Stop Watching Porn?
If you've tried to stop porn addiction before, you’ll understand that it’s often a long and challenging process that goes far beyond the scope of a single article. Consider finding a recovery program that will help you to start making real progress towards quitting.
Until then, the following are some suggestions that might help with overcoming porn addiction for good.
1. Understand You're Not Alone
The biggest thing that consistently keeps people from getting help with their porn addiction is shame.
While guilt says, “I did something wrong, so I should change,” shame says, “I did something wrong, and that means I am a bad person.” This is not true, but many who struggle with porn addiction believe it.
You aren’t alone. Porn addiction affects many people, and in order to change, you’ll need to remember that, despite what shame says, you are a good person who is worth the effort it will take to learn how to quit porn and start implementing this in your life.
2. Do Some Research
Don’t try to fight what you don’t understand. Read up on porn addiction, and take the time to learn about the brain science behind addiction patterns in general. Knowing more about your own brain and emotions can drastically change your wellness journey and porn addiction recovery.
For an in-depth analysis of porn addiction’s affect on the brain and what you can do about it, check out Relay’s Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Pornography here.
3. Install a Good Filter on Your Device
If you can't access porn, or if it is difficult to access it, you may be able to get the distance that you need to quit. In the long run, you will need to develop some self-control and willpower, but if you can give yourself a porn detox now, you’ll be getting started on the right foot. A porn blocker is a great place to start.
It might seem obvious, but make sure that you aren't the one who knows the passwords to your blocks and filters. If you have to call someone to ask for the password so that you can watch porn, the odds of you doing so go down drastically. This provides accountability in your recovery.
4. Keep Yourself Busy
One thing that all porn addicts can agree upon is that watching porn takes up a lot of time. Most people report that a solid porn binge takes between one and four hours.
Instead of just trying to cut out porn and hope for the best, replace the time you would have spent binging it with healthy habits. Engage in activities that
- connect you to other people
- get you out of the house
- make you happy
- bring out the qualities you like in yourself.
If you’re hoping to learn how to overcome porn addiction, one of the fastest ways to see an improvement in yourself is to fill the time you once spent watching porn with activities that make you a better person. Relay’s psychologist-built curriculum can help you learn which of these will be best for you.
5. Join an Online Community
The internet got you into this mess, but if you use it for good, you can use it to get yourself out. Pornography addiction has become so widespread that there are online groups, forums, and communities designated just for those struggling in this area.
The best of these porn recovery resources is the new program Relay. Relay sorts users into support groups, utilizing both the proven science of support groups and psychologist-built curriculum to help you get rid of your addiction from the root, and build a life where you no longer need pornography addiction.
6. Learn New Coping Methods
If you are addicted to porn, that doesn't mean you are broken. It also doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with you. It does, however, mean that you could be using porn as a replacement for something or as a means to try to be happy.
Porn addiction is common in people who are suffering from depression or anxiety. If you're feeling sad, anxious, or bored, it's time to figure out a better way to cope. Developing healthy coping strategies is an important part of addiction treatment and recovery.
You might consider journaling about your struggle or practicing meditation when the urge strikes. Either way, learning to identify your triggers and finding other ways to feel better will make a huge difference in your life. Self-reflection and stress management are valuable tools in how to get over porn addiction.
7. Start Your Recovery Journey
Breaking free from porn addiction requires courage, but taking that first step can transform your life. If you're struggling with pornography, know that you're not alone, and recovery is possible.
By taking the steps needed to confront your addiction, you open the door to improved mental health, stronger relationships, and a renewed sense of self-worth. Don't let fear hold you back—embrace the challenge of quitting porn and discover the freedom and fulfillment that await on the other side.
Remember, seeking help isn't a sign of weakness, but a powerful act of self-love and determination. Start your journey today, and reclaim control over your time, wellbeing, mental health, and cherished relationships.
8. Seek Out a CSAT Near You
Certified Sex Addiction Therapists are not only able to help those who are addicted to sex, but they are also able to help with porn addiction and compulsion. They have the training to manage several sexuality-based concerns, including sexual health issues and sexual dysfunction related to porn addiction.
A CSAT can help you identify triggers, manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms, and develop a plan for relapse prevention as you work towards addiction recovery. Don't hesitate to seek out professional help if you are struggling with how to quit porn or how to deal with porn addiction.
If therapy is not currently in your budget or comfort zone, click here to try Relay—all the benefits of therapy, but cheaper, and from the comfort of your phone.
Although you may sometimes feel like you would be lost without porn, there is a way out. You don't have to be ashamed because you are not the only person going through this.
Find some people you can talk to, whether with a support group, or a recovery program, and replace porn with a positive behavior instead of trying to just cut it out. These are all vital first steps of how to end porn addiction and how to recover from porn addiction.
Porn addiction can be harmful not only to the individual who is suffering but to their relationships and families as well. Be patient with both yourself and your loved ones as you try to implement these positive, powerful changes. You can do it; just start with small steps and go from there. With commitment and the right support and tools, a porn-free life is possible.
How to Identify and Treat a Pornography Addiction | Healthline
Porn addiction is ruining lives, but scientists aren't convinced it's real | CNET

Find Effective, Evidence-Based Treatment in the Relay Program for Compulsive Pornography or Masturbation
There is help available to you if you or a loved one has a physical dependence or psychological dependence on pornography, masturbation, or sex. These urges and compulsive behaviors can control your life, but you can take back control. Relay's addiction recovery program provides a comprehensive, outpatient approach to behavioral change - at home, at your own pace. To each new program member, we provide a personalized recovery plan, a peer support group, progress tracking, journaling, and intelligent insights about your behavior patterns, all within a simple and secure mobile app Our proven approach helps program members achieve the best chance at long-term recovery without the time or expense of rehab or therapy. Try the Relay program for free here; if you need help as you get set up, contact us now at hello@joinrelay.app.
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