How To Stop Masturbating: 8 Tips

How To Stop Masturbating: 8 Tips

Have you been struggling to stop masturbating? It’s something that no one wants to talk about, but many people battle every single day.

There is no simple solution, but we have some tips that might help you to reach your goals.

If you're looking for help to stop masturbating in addition to these tips, take the survey in our app to get a personalized recovery plan and peer support group.

Is Masturbation Bad for You?

The problem arises when masturbation becomes such a part of your life that it overshadows other aspects. A lot of it also has to do with your mental health and how you view and depend on the act of masturbation.

If you grew up in a household where masturbation was frowned upon, looked down upon, or deemed something shameful, you likely have some negative associations with the act. This can cause you to feel anxiety and shame around masturbation.

Some people feel anxious about anything that has to do with sexual urges. Studies have found that of all demographics, young men tend to masturbate the most frequently. Studies have also found that those who masturbate most often have the most anxiety.

However, it’s worth noting that this is not because of the act itself. The anxiety likely experienced stems from the guilt that one might feel about masturbation. Those with feelings of guilt may experience stress because they constantly feel as though they are doing something they shouldn’t be doing.


What Makes Masturbation Addictive?

If you are trying to stop masturbating but find yourself unable to, you probably feel as though you are addicted to this sexual behavior. Behavioral addictions can be tricky.

You aren’t physically addicted to a substance such as alcohol or drugs, but it’s possible that you truly do feel worse if you don’t masturbate. Most of this is psychological, but it doesn’t make it any less real.

A chronic masturbation habit can be hard to kick. If you feel like the masturbation addiction has gotten out of control, it could have to do with brain chemicals.

Let’s face it: it feels good! It’s not something that you necessarily want to stop doing, and it doesn’t have the same negative effects that drugs and alcohol have on your system, so you probably never stopped to think that you should even attempt to control your habit.

Any sexual activity can trigger the brain’s release of endorphins into your body, and when you experience pleasure of any sort, your brain also creates feel-good chemicals like dopamine.

Although masturbation may not be physically addictive in the same way that a substance is, that feeling that you are lacking dopamine during a time when you would normally be getting that hit can be devastating. It can be very strong and lead to the need for compulsive masturbation and excessive masturbation.

How To Know if Your Habit Is Out of Control

Are you wondering if you really have a problem? If you’re starting to wonder, that’s a sign that you probably do.

But if you are really not sure, here are some warning signs that it’s time to make a change:

  • You cancel plans with others to stay home and masturbate.
  • You masturbate in inappropriate places, like work or school.
  • You masturbate specifically to relieve anxiety or stress.
  • You feel guilt and shame after doing it, but you still can’t stop.
  • You have tried to change your habits in the past but have failed.
  • You have sustained any injury from masturbating (believe it or not, yes. This is a thing.)
  • You just Googled “How to Stop Masturbating.” Sorry, but it’s true. Still: you’re here, and that’s a great first step!

Potential Negative Side Effects of Too Much Masturbating

Though masturbation is by and large a healthy and safe habit, there are actually some side effects that you could see from excessive masturbation, including:

  • Edema or swelling: This one is specifically for males, but if you spend too much time stroking the salami, you could end up with painful swelling or skin irritation.
  • Inability to orgasm: If you get used to your own expert work or get used to the experts you see when watching porn, sex from others may not feel as good or satisfying. And since your sex drive is pretty important for a healthy sex life, this could cause problems.
  • Emotional damage: Guilt is a strong emotion; if you feel like you are doing something “bad” every day, that can weigh on you.

Our Tips on How To Stop Masturbating

We want to reiterate: in most cases, masturbation is completely harmless and plays an important role in sexual health. However, when it becomes a compulsive behavior, that’s when you’ve got a problem on your hands (no pun intended).

While you’re not going to grow hair on your palms if you keep masturbating, you probably feel like you have gotten a little out of control. Here are some ways to quit masturbating or cut back on unwanted sexual activity.

#1: Keep Yourself Busy

Have you ever heard the expression about idle hands? You know better than just about anyone that staying in your house by yourself is a recipe for disaster if you’re trying to abstain from masturbation.

Find a hobby, preferably a hobby that gets you out of the house and doing something active! Since masturbation is an active habit, you're best off finding something active: knitting, taking up yoga, or going for walks.

#2: Hang Out With Other People

Masturbating is a lonely, solo activity (or at least, it can be). You probably feel some isolation and loneliness, especially since there’s so much shame and guilt associated with the behavior and the alone time it requires.

We know that making new friends is hard, but you can do it! Or, reach out to the people you already know but have not been making an effort to see regularly. They probably miss you.

#3: Get an Accountability Partner

Okay, so take this one with a grain of salt. You might not necessarily want to talk to someone you know about your problem just yet, but the truth is that if you do, you might be met with more empathy and understanding than you would think.

See if you can find someone to help hold you accountable to some new, healthier habits. If you can find someone who is going through the same thing or knows what you are going through, that’s always a good thing, But if you can’t, others can still help you be who you want to be.

#4: Get More Exercise

There is much more to porn addiction, sex addiction, and compulsive masturbation than simple sexual desire. One of the components that factor in is physical activity.

Increasing your physical activity can have several benefits. You will feel better about yourself, get in better shape, increase serotonin and dopamine levels naturally, and get involved in a productive habit. Finish with a cold shower to get your head in the game, and remember that you’ve got this!

#5: Get Yourself a Good Therapist

You know how you can tell that you’re not alone in your struggle? An entire group of therapists is dedicated to helping those who struggle with sex addiction, porn addiction, and similar behavioral addictions.

These therapists are called Certified Sex Addiction Therapists, also known as CSATs. Although there is some debate regarding the legitimacy of a sex addiction diagnosis, therapists understand it is very real.

Many therapists like to use Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) to get to the root of the problem. You will find that talking through your compulsions with someone trained in the field will be invaluable to recognizing your triggers and changing your habits.

On a side note, you might also want to see a healthcare professional for medical advice if you struggle with chronic masturbation or if your unwanted self-pleasure habits affect your daily life. A medical professional can ensure there are no related health conditions and recommend some resources.

#6: Be Mindful About Technology

Where do you keep your phone at night? Is it right next to your bed? Yeah, we thought so. Maybe you should consider moving it out into the living room and getting yourself a good old-fashioned alarm clock. The temptation to watch porn as you are going to bed is strong.

If you have a laptop at home, you might even consider installing software on your computer that will block pornographic websites. It’s worth thinking about since internet pornography and masturbation go hand in hand.

Research also shows that people who consume internet pornography tend to be less happy in their relationships and less committed to their partners. Try to ditch the porn!

#7: Find a Support Group

One of the biggest obstacles to stopping this habit is that it is so ingrained in your mind that you must feel guilt and shame about it. Finding a group of people who can relate to your feelings can help with that. As the name suggests, they are quite literally there to support you.

In this day and age, you will be able to find not only local in-person support groups but also online support groups. Most people suggest trying a few groups if you don’t find one you like right away. Sometimes you need to find just the right connections to mesh!

#8: Give Yourself Positive Reinforcement

It might sound a little silly, but it works. Give yourself a little grade when you start off because no one is perfect. But as you continue your journey, allow yourself to celebrate victories.

Start by tracking your progress by journaling. Maybe you want to keep track of how many days you have gone without masturbating (or hours, depending on how bad the habit has gotten).

When you reach a certain milestone, give yourself a prize! It could be something simple like getting yourself a fancy coffee in the morning one day instead of bringing it from home. You may treat yourself to a massage or spa day for a big victory. You deserve it!


Masturbation in itself is not inherently wrong or harmful. However, if you are personally feeling negative emotions about the act, or if it is otherwise affecting your ability to function in the world, it’s time to make a change.

The hardest but most effective thing is to seek support from others. Get out there in the world and see your friends, exercise, and find a new hobby. Whatever you can do to get out of the house! You can do this.


How to stop masturbating: 6 tips and tricks | Medical News Today

Masturbation Effects on the Brain: 12 Pros and Cons to Consider | Healthline

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