Porn Addiction

Porn Addiction

What is Porn Addiction?

Porn addiction is a pattern of excessive and compulsive consumption of pornography that has a significant negative impact on a person’s daily life, relationships, and overall well-being. Though it sometimes feels impossible to stop, pornography addiction can be overcome.

Is Porn Addiction Real?

Porn addiction is a real issue, but you wouldn’t be able to walk into a doctor’s office and be diagnosed with this struggle. Why? In the mental health community, there is controversy surrounding its official status.

In its official handbook, the DSM-5, the American Psychological Association does not include diagnostic criteria for pornography addiction. The World Health Organization's ICD-11, however, does acknowledge porn addiction, calling it Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD), which is categorized as an impulse control disorder rather than an addiction. Whichever label is used, the statistics make it clear that porn addiction is not a made-up issue.

People struggling with porn addiction often experience a loss of control over their viewing habits, spending increasing amounts of time watching pornography, and feel unable to stop despite realizing the negative consequences. Pornography addiction can lead to tolerance and escalation, where individuals need more extreme or varied content to achieve the same level of satisfaction, and, in some cases, even withdrawal symptoms when attempting to quit or reduce usage.

Porn Addiction Statistics

Porn addiction frequently occurs alongside other mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression. It primarily affects younger individuals, but approximately 13% of the global population will experience issues related to pornography addiction at some point in their lives. About 1 in 6 marriages report being negatively impacted by porn addiction.

In 2019, a study found that 11% of American men and 3% of American women self-reported considering themselves addicted to pornography. It’s easy to feel alone as you struggle with pornography, but in terms of men alone, that’s upwards of 16.5 million people! It's important to note that while studies report a range of estimates, these numbers may be heavily deflated. Struggles with issues like pornography addiction are often kept secret, and many individuals may never admit to their challenges, even in anonymous surveys. The stigma and shame surrounding these topics can lead to underreporting, meaning the true prevalence is likely significantly higher than the data suggests.

This problem doesn’t just affect single people either. A study from the Wheatley Institute found that many individuals who consumed porn before marriage still reported using porn after getting married. Often, this leads to secrecy, shame, and broken trust within the relationship.

Signs of Porn Addiction

Even though it lacks officially recognized diagnostic criteria, there are several warning signs that can indicate that you may be struggling with porn addiction.

Some common signs include:

  1. Difficulty resisting urges to watch porn
  2. Increased frequency of porn consumption
  3. Unsuccessful attempts to cut down on porn use

These symptoms can significantly interfere with daily functioning and overall well-being. In some cases, pornography addiction may lead to seeking out more intense or risky forms of sexual behavior. While each person’s unique situation may be a little different, the ultimate question to ask yourself is if pornography is negatively impacting your life in any way or holding you back from the person you really want to be.

What Causes Porn Addiction?

Porn addiction is a complex issue, and it usually stems from more than one cause.

Pornography has been engineered intentionally to be highly habit-forming. So, if you’re addicted to porn, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you lack willpower, that you’re perverted or creepy, or even that you have a higher sex drive.

Consuming porn creates neurobiological changes in the brain's reward system. Pornographic content triggers a large spike of dopamine (the brain’s ‘feel-good’ chemical) and oxytocin (sometimes called the 'bonding hormone'), followed by a distinct crash. Over time, individuals struggling with pornography addiction may come to rely on this dopamine spike as a temporary escape, even though it’s not a sustainable way to regulate the brain’s chemistry. This can create intense cravings for porn, especially when it’s used to cope with stress or other negative emotions.

It’s important to clarify that the desire for sex is a normal and essential part of human biology. Without it, our species wouldn’t survive. Sexual experiences are naturally powerful and appealing to the brain, which doesn’t differentiate between porn and real-life sexual experiences. The challenge arises when the brain learns to associate porn use with specific triggers — environments or emotions — that strengthen these associations over time, making the cycle hard to break.

The Heart of the Problem

One therapist put it this way: “You don’t have a porn problem; you have a pain problem.” Stress, anxiety, depression, tiredness, loneliness, or low self-esteem are all forms of emotional pain that can lead to using pornography as a coping mechanism. But for many, the issue started very young before all the stressors of adult life even came into the picture. Often, the story can be traced back to underlying issues from childhood which created the initial wounds that opened the door to using pornography for comfort. Whether big or small, painful experiences in the home, not being fully seen or accepted, feeling rejected or isolated from peers, or simply a lack of strong, nurturing relationships are all things that can contribute to the development of porn addiction.

By the way, this doesn’t just apply to pornography — many of us learned how to cope or escape life through a variety of behavioral strategies. This certainly includes sexual behaviors, but it also can include things like food, TV, social media, alcohol, or even overworking.

That’s why many professionals will often focus less on the actual pornography addiction itself and more on addressing areas of pain or trauma. One of the fastest ways to decrease reliance on pornography is to find healthier ways of dealing with these wounds.

The Role of Shame and Isolation in Porn Addiction

Shame plays a powerful role in the cycle of porn addiction, often driving us into a state of isolation. Many people struggling with pornography addiction harbor a deep-seated belief that "no one could love me the way I am". This inner dialogue fuels a cycle of shame and numbing, making the path to healing feel out of reach or even impossible.

This mindset not only exacerbates the addiction (by encouraging further secrecy), but also hinders the possibility of seeking help and building supportive relationships.

The journey to overcoming pornography addiction often begins with confronting this shame, and understanding that your worth is not defined by addiction. Consider reaching out to a safe person, and share with them your goal to overcome pornography. Not only will this help you find people to keep you accountable and provide encouragement, it will help your brain start to undo the shame that’s been holding you back.

Porn Addiction and Relationships

One of the biggest costs of porn addiction is the toll it takes on relationships. Often, porn addiction can damage the trust and intimacy between partners in a romantic relationship, or cause distance to build up in friendships and family relationships.

In romantic relationships, it’s not uncommon for the partner addicted to porn to develop unrealistic expectations about sex and their partner's appearance. This can lead to dissatisfaction with real-life sexual experiences, and, in some cases, even difficulty becoming aroused without porn. Communication often suffers as the person using pornography feels the need to be more secretive and guarded. These issues can create a cycle of shame and resentment, putting the relationship in danger if not addressed.

The full effect of porn addiction on relationships, and the many resources available to couples trying to navigate it, are beyond the scope of this article. If your relationship has been negatively impacted by pornography addiction, you can find more in-depth information here.

How to Stop Watching Porn

If you're seeking ways to overcome a porn addiction, you've already taken a courageous first step. Recognizing the need for change is powerful, and with the right approach, you can reclaim control over your life. Here's how to begin your journey:

  1. Acknowledge the issue: If your pornography use is taking an impact on your life, it’s important to recognize it. This self-awareness is crucial for change.
  2. Find the right program: It’s impossible to quit an addiction alone, and porn is no exception. Even if you feel a bit nervous, it’s critical to find a structured program and strong community you can lean on (Relay is making this easier than ever before).
  3. Identify triggers: Take note of what situations, emotions, or times of day typically lead to porn use. Understanding your triggers helps you develop strategies to avoid or manage them.
  4. Overhaul your environment: Remove easy access to porn by installing a porn blocker, deleting social media, or anything else that can create a barrier as you work on addressing the underlying root issues.
  5. Develop healthy coping mechanisms: Replace porn with healthy self care activities like exercise, meditation, or creative hobbies to manage stress and emotions.
  6. Learn from setbacks: Be patient with yourself throughout this process. Relapses may occur even as you start leveling up your approach, but it’s up to you how to view these setbacks and how you learn from them.
  7. Educate yourself: Learn about the side effects of porn on the brain and relationships. Consider listening to podcasts where you can hear real-time stories from other people who are finding success along the recovery journey.

Remember, quitting porn is a process that requires patience and persistence. Each step forward, no matter how small, is valid progress. You're not alone in this journey, and with dedication and support, you can break free from this addiction and rediscover a more fulfilling life.

Overcome Porn Addiction With Relay

If you’ve been battling pornography addiction for years and feel like nothing has worked, you’re not alone — and you’re not out of options. Relay was built specifically for people like you. It’s the #1 recovery program designed to help you break free from the cycle of shame and isolation, and finally get the support you need to make real progress.

With Relay, you don’t have to face this alone. You’ll join a private group of people who understand what you're going through, providing a judgment-free space to get the support you deserve. You can choose to stay anonymous and participate through the app, or if you’re ready for even deeper connection, you can attend live meetings that offer real-time support from others on the same path. On top of the community, what sets Relay apart is its therapist-created lessons, designed to help you uncover the root issues driving your addiction and begin the healing process. This isn’t just about quitting porn — it’s about addressing the deeper wounds and building the kind of life where you won’t need to turn to addiction anymore.

If nothing else has worked, Relay could be the fresh approach you’ve been hoping for. Join the #1 group-based recovery program and finally get access to a strong community and real, psychology-based tools to help you overcome pornography addiction — for good.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can’t I stop watching porn?

Can you sexually reset your brain from a porn addiction?

Can you undo years of porn addiction?

Can you quit porn cold turkey?

What are porn addiction withdrawals?

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Find Effective, Evidence-Based Treatment in the Relay Program for Compulsive Pornography or Masturbation

There is help available to you if you or a loved one has a physical dependence or psychological dependence on pornography, masturbation, or sex. These urges and compulsive behaviors can control your life, but you can take back control. Relay's addiction recovery program provides a comprehensive, outpatient approach to behavioral change - at home, at your own pace. To each new program member, we provide a personalized recovery plan, a peer support group, progress tracking, journaling, and intelligent insights about your behavior patterns, all within a simple and secure mobile app Our proven approach helps program members achieve the best chance at long-term recovery without the time or expense of rehab or therapy. Try the Relay program for free here; if you need help as you get set up, contact us now at

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